  • Clients

    PokerStars, Nike, Skoda
  • Role

    Concept, Creative Branding, Execution
  • Year

  • Platforms

    Out of Home

Urban advertising concepts take the everyday mundane and transform it into the extraordinary.

Take for example the airport baggage carousel that is the least appealing waiting point for travellers at the end of their journey. Mini transformed this into an incredibly unique and eye-catching advertising format that also showcases the storage potential of its boot.

Using the urban environment as a canvas

When Adidas was looking to roll out a new Adidas Originals campaign featuring ZX750, they wanted to position it urban, city footwear. What better way to illustrate this then using street art to showcase the shoe in its home turf.

Sway works with local graffiti and street artists to identify the ideal locations and creative that can help a brand build credibility and inspire their target audience.

Beautifully blending into the urban surroundings

Durex executed this incredibly when they leveraged everyday urban surroundings to uniquely showcase the different product offerings they provide – creating a titillating talking point that consumers were drawn to as they walked past and would find hard to forget

More to come with examples from the UK & Ireland

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